The Campus Services (CS) team looks at two key areas that are crucial to delivering a great ride experience on the Internal Shuttle Bus (ISB) — safe driving and good customer service. Ahead of the Chinese New Year 2023, Campus Services and ComfortDelGro Bus jointly recognised the Bus Captains (BCs) who have performed the best in 2022.

Safe driving behaviour on the Internal Shuttle Buses is measured by a telematics system, which measures physical parameters such as braking and cornering to score drivers on their performance. With the switch to new electric buses, the telematics devices help BCs to ensure they continue to provide a safe and comfortable ride to passengers while adjusting to the new vehicles. The new buses are also fitted with an Advanced Driver’s Assistance System, a smart system that aids the driver in avoiding collisions and detecting distractions.

Coming up top in 2022 for safety is Mr Lee Tiong Kheng, with the best score out of all the BCs. Mr Lee was a top scorer for every month of the year, and takes pride in ferrying his passengers around as safely and smoothly as possible.

Mr Lee receiving his top safety award from Director of Campus Services, Mr Sng, and Head of Planning and Mobilisation at ComfortDelGro Bus, Mr Wee

Customer service, meanwhile, is measured by our passengers. Data is collected from a Mystery Rider Survey submitted by ISB passengers who score the BCs during their rides on various aspects of their customer service. Anyone can be a Mystery Rider — just fill in the e-Form found in the NextBus app or on posters in the bus, during your journey!

One of the top scorers from the Mystery Rider audits of 2022 is Mr Chew Hock Chuan, with the highest score across all his form responses. “This recognition means a lot to me. I’m very touched, and will continue to work hard for my passengers!” Mr Chew said.

Mr Chew receiving his customer service award from Director of Campus Services, Mr Sng, and Head of Planning and Mobilisation at ComfortDelGro Bus, Mr Wee

Another top scorer from the Mystery Rider audits is Mr Tay Teow Gee, who managed to attract the highest number of positive reviews. Mr Tay shared that while there have been many challenges in the past year, he is glad that he has been able to put a smile on so many passengers’ faces.

Mr Tay receiving his customer service award from Director of Campus Services, Mr Sng, and Head of Planning and Mobilisation at ComfortDelGro Bus, Mr Wee

Indeed, in 2022, our BCs faced various changes, such as readapting to higher passenger numbers due to the resumption of face-to-face classes post-pandemic, and the transition to the new 3-door electric buses which provided a different driving experience. Nevertheless, they have done well overall and continue to provide good service to the NUS community as they adapt to their new routines. To recognise their efforts, Campus Services prepared and shared CNY goodies as part of the Chinese New Year festivities.

The Campus Services and ComfortDelGro Bus teams posing with the best-performing BCs of 2022

Let us give our bus captains a round of applause and encouragement in this new year!

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