A Tribute to Our ISB Bus Captains 2022

A Tribute to Our ISB Bus Captains 2022

The Division of the Campus Life – Campus Services (CS) under the Office of University Campus Infrastructure (formerly known as the Office of Campus Amenities) is constantly on the lookout for the best Internal Shuttle Bus Captains. By starring the outstanding performers among our ISB Captains, we hope that it will set a good example for everyone else to follow, and bring motivation for everyone to strive to do better. CS looks at two key areas that are crucial to delivering a great ride experience on the Internal Shuttle Bus – safe driving and good customer service.

Safe driving behaviour is measured through vehicle telematics devices, which make use of sensors to collect data. This allows supervisors to better understand the bus captains’ driving performance and alert the Bus Captains real-time for better awareness and self-improvement.

Our 2021’s top safety Bus Captain was none other than Mr Ong Peng Hwa. He credits the telematics technology with helping him become a better driver, as it identifies areas for improvement. Between trips, Mr Ong will regularly check on his mobile phone app to see his score for the week, and dutifully takes note of what he needs to pay more attention to. His efforts have paid off, making him the leader of the pack.

Director of Campus Service, Mr Sng presenting the top safety award to Mr Ong

While safe driving behaviour is an important aspect of a pleasant ride, customer service has a big impact on passengers’ travel experience as well. On the ISB, customer service level is fed back by our passengers – data is collected from the Mystery Rider Survey, submitted by ISB passengers who score the Bus Captains using an e-Form during their rides. These scores are used to generate a Customer Service Index measuring the quality of customer service provided.

Ms Sandra receiving the award for good customer service

The Bus Driver of the Year 2021 in good Customer Service, meanwhile, is Ms Sandra Mohan who has consistently come up top on the index since she joined. She has been a memorable figure, warmly greeting and thanking every single passenger who boards her bus. Her efforts have not gone unnoticed by our passengers.

Mr Farouq, receiving the appreciation bags on behalf for all ISB captains

Director of Campus Services, Mr Sng Jin Soon, also handed out appreciation bags to the ISB Operations Manager from ComfortDelGro Bus to convey our gratitude to our Bus Captains for working hard to keep our campus ISB services running smoothly.