
A pat on the shoulders is really encouraging to keep the team moving to strive further to excel in their own areas of work. Here are some of the Thank You notes in their own words……….

Thanks for OCA’s help for our urgent requests for transport. I would like to drop a quick note to thank and compliment you, as well as Selva and Muni who were very helpful in facilitating the transport and movement of our items. We truly appreciate their cheerful attitude and dedication in ensuring that the job gets done (very quickly too!). Kudos to OCA!

Linda Cheng
Assistant Manager
Global Relations Office

I would like to thank you and you team for the assistance and support for my recent request to shift the office files and equipment from UTown Office to PVO. The logistics team on duty that day (11 June 2018), Mr Muniandy, Mr Zakaria and Mr Selvarasoo had provided great help and support for the shifting process. We greatly appreciate OCA’s assistance and support. Once again, thank you very much.

Giselle Lim
Office of the Senior Deputy President and Provost

A million thanks to you and your team for helping to arrange the NUS Coach and for having Mr. Selva as our driver on Monday’s campus tour. Also, I would like to express my sincere appreciation to you for acceding to our last minute request. Because of your kind gesture and hospitality, it has helped us bridged a closer relationship to these senior leaders from the University of Virginia. Furthermore, we have received praises on Mr. Selva’s polite, friendly attitude and his safe driving skills. Despite our steep terrains and a rainy morning, the journey was smooth and comfortable. We would definitely love to have Mr. Selva again on our next request should there be one in the future. Kindly relay our thanks to Mr. Selva please.

Stanley Nam
Associate Director
Development Office

OCA staff, namely Mr. Abdul Hadi and Mdm. Susan Tan, of the Logistics Section have always sought to understand my logistical needs, and have always fulfilled them without fail. I would also like to thank Mr. Raymond Teo and Mr. Abdul Rahman of the Transport Section who have consistently provided prompt support regarding the feasible transport of the rostrum to CAPT and back to OCA storage at a convenient timing on my end. I sincerely thank these OCA staff members for their sincere commitment towards helping me successfully complete my assigned tasks.

Tim Yi Hao
Student, CAPT

Dear Mr Sulaiman/Raymond, I am glad to inform you that as result of your close monitoring and field visits made to BTC and to hear from me personally, the BTC bus services are more efficient and reliable. I conducted a series of mystery audits and found no major issues. The drivers are friendly, skilful and helpful. Good job OCA!

P Samynathan
Associate Director
Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy

“On behalf of NUSSU 36th Executive Committee and all 27,000 strong NUS students, we thank you Mr Goh Boon Beng from the bottom of our hearts for all the consistent championing of transport infrastructure on campus. We are very grateful for OCA in the openness to hear the students’ view on issues on campus. The strong interaction does not only stop at the buses but also the dining options at NUS. Thank you for attending to our queries personally sometimes waking up in wee hours to engage in email exchanges.”
Lim Kok Seng
36th NUSSU Exco President
“Words may not fully express our deep appreciation but I am writing to thank you, Mr Rahman and your team of drivers once again for the excellent support of the NUS Vehicle Team for the ICCDU event specifically for 7 – 9 July to pick up our guests from Kent Vale to UTown daily and the lorry transport for the event set-up and tear-down on 5 and 9 July. Whenever the NUS transport team is in charge, we have full assurance of the service reliability, punctuality and the brand of NUS hospitality to our external international guests. And this certainty and assurance means a great deal to us so that we can rest our mind to take care of the other tasks at hand.”
Nancy Chia
Associate Director
Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
“We would like to commend on Jeslin and her team. Jeslin has certainly brought R&D to a new better level. Where there’s understanding and good partnership between vendor and NUS. Kelvin is very responsible. He goes out of his way to help without compromising on safety. We applaud him for setting things right by not just listening but by action. Wendy is always so helpful and meticulous. Even though she’s busy, she still finds time to answer our query and help in whichever way she could. Chin Hoon’s presence during hygiene inspection has helped with our housekeeping by pointing out blind spot which we have not seen, constructively. With us being awarded A by NEA, credit has to go to her too. Kang Rui holds the fort when the rest are not in by helping out in area that he could. Needed to apply for season parking, Chin Hoon was out inspecting and instead of asking me to come back another day, he came out to assist. Nordin has been with NUS for years, but always work with a smile and very patient. Have always enjoy working with him for past years. Mr Foo, you certainly have a very good team. I hope NUS will recognize their contributions and certainly look forward to working with them with mutual benefits”
Tracy Tan
Dilys Creation
“Priscilla, I am very impressed that you took the trouble to investigate the matter and identify the driver. Not only that, you and your staff also counselled the driver and will monitor his performance. We can be assured that our safety is not compromised with such proactive and serious work ethos in place.”
Janice Ow
Department of Psychology
“I’m a graduating SDE student who frequent Techno Edge canteen, and I have recently noticed that several new posters which advocate safety and environment-friendliness were being put up. These have created strong awareness among the users of the canteen as they are easily visible. Hence, I would like to compliment the team that is responsible behind the project and I appreciate their efforts. Lastly, the condition of the canteen has also been well kept since, especially with the new tables and chairs the environment feels entirely different. My sincere thank you to the ones who did their part in maintaining the campus amenities.”
Soh Shi Ying, Chloe
Student, School of Design & Environment
“Mr Raymond, Great news! I get to take off my cast now! I can now walk (albeit with a limp) so I think I don’t need to trouble you guys anymore. Thank you so much for the past weeks, I wouldn’t have been able to go to school if not without your help.”
Moh Kai Lin, Jolyn
Student, NUS Business School