NUS Lost and Found is managed by Campus Emergency and Security (CES). Its office is located in Kent Ridge Campus (KRC).
Address: 2 Prince George’s Park, Singapore 118401 (Map)
Nearest NUS ISB Bus Stop: Prince George’s Park (PGP) for buses A1, BTC, D2 and K
Counter operating hours: 0900hrs – 1200hrs (Mondays to Fridays, excluding weekends, University holidays and public holidays)
Please check Found Items Public List to see if your lost item has been returned. Do allow a few days for our system to be updated.
If it is listed, please email with the Item ID, full description and photo (if available). If it is not listed, it means that NUS Lost and Found does not have your lost item. Kindly return at a later date to check the list again.
For lost NUS student cards, Office of University Registrar (OUR) will notify the student if the card is found. Alternatively, please email OUR directly at to check.
For lost NUS staff cards, Office of Human Resources (OHR) will notify the staff if the card is found. Alternatively, lodge a Lost Staff Card report via NUService Hub to OHR Shared Services.
Important Note:
If you suspect theft, please lodge a report via Integrated Case Management System (ICMS) on this website under Campus Emergency and Security (CES) or report the incident to the Police immediately.
Please check Found Items Public List to see if your lost item has been returned. Do allow a few days for our system to be updated.
If it is listed, please email with the Item ID, full description and photo (if available). Staff will advise you on how to claim your item if it is with NUS Lost and Found.
Lost items are stored for 30 days only from the date it was handed to NUS Lost and Found. Unclaimed items will be disposed after 30 days. The University will not be responsible for any item after its disposal.
Important Note:
The lost item must be collected by the owner (i.e. collection by proxy is not allowed). The owner must bring along some form of photo identification e.g. NRIC or student/staff card. For electronic devices e.g. tablets, smart watches, laptops, ear buds, please bring long your charging cable so that we can power up the device for further verification.
You may be subjected to investigations if you make a claim against an item that does not belong to you.
Found NUS student cards should be returned to Office of University Registrar (OUR), while found NUS staff cards should be returned to Office of Human Resources (OHR) directly.
Other found items can be submitted to the following locations:
Kent Ridge Campus (KRC)
Bukit Timah Campus (BTC)
Alternatively, you may call CES Hotline at 6874 1616 for assistance.
Found NUS student cards should be returned to Office of University Registrar (OUR), while found NUS staff cards should be returned to Office of Human Resources (OHR) directly.
Perishables e.g. food and drinks, hygiene products e.g. sanitary napkins, deodorants and medication are not accepted.
Other items may generally be submitted.
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